こちらは2024年3月31日までの過去ニュースがご覧いただける日本商工会議所の旧サイトです。 新サイトはこちら

India-Japan pitching event for Startups from Kerala State 28th November, 2022(インド大使館)





The Embassy of India in association with Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) is organising India-Japan pitching event for Startups from Kerala. This is an in-person event and the agenda for the same is enclosed herewith (both English and Japanese).


The objective of the session is to provide startups from Kerala state a platform to pitch their innovations to Japanese investors/business corporations and to explore investment, strategic, business and technical collaboration between Indian and Japanese companies.


Details of the event:

Date: 28th November 2022 (Mon)

Time: 15:00 17:30 (JST)

Venue: VCC Auditorium, Embassy of India, Tokyo (in-person event)

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/RkjdakznqTq22gNr8


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Political & Commercial Officer

Abhishek Goel

Tel:03-3262-2397 ext.304