こちらは2024年3月31日までの過去ニュースがご覧いただける日本商工会議所の旧サイトです。 新サイトはこちら

Celebration of National Small Industry Day: Introduction to Japan Industrial Townships in India (インド大使館)








On the occasion of National Small Industry Day in India, celebrated on 30 August 2023 in India, the SME Facilitation Cell of the Embassy of India in Tokyo is organizing an event “An Introduction to Japan Industrial Townships in India” to showcase India-Japan economic partnership and to recognize the contribution of SMEs in strengthening this partnership.

We would like to invite you to participate at the event and also request you to circulate information about the event to the members of your organization.
Brief information on the event and registration link are given below:

Date: 30 August 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 1630 hrs – 1730 hrs (JST)
Venue: VCC Auditorium, Embassy of India, Tokyo
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/XZWTarXXXi2xEqZQ8


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Tel. No. : 03-3262 2391-97 Ext.316


E-Mail : attachecom.tokyo@mea.gov.in