こちらは2024年3月31日までの過去ニュースがご覧いただける日本商工会議所の旧サイトです。 新サイトはこちら

Webinar: Ease of Doing Business Series(インド大使館)





Greetings from the Embassy of India, Japan!


The Embassy is pleased to inform you that Invest India is organizing an interactive webinar Ease of Doing Business Series to help stakeholders and potential investors understand the modalities of setting up and doing business in India. The second edition in this series this year will be held on Wednesday, 28th June 2023 at 10 A.M. IST and focus on Simplifying Taxation in India.


Mr.  Girish Vanvari and Mr Rohan Umranikar, Co-founders, Transaction Square would be the expert speakers at the event, covering many tax policy measures to encourage investments and provide tax certainty.  In this webinar, Invest India will discuss the broad tax policy framework, the direct and indirect tax rates, tax considerations for different types of entities, tax aspects of funding, acquisitions and exits and the available tax incentives. 


The presentation would be followed by an open Q&A session to further clarify specific aspects on the theme.


The event is open to participation upon registration. For participation, you are kindly to register at the following link:



A detailed minute to minute agenda is also attached for reference.


Contact person: Mr. Sarvesh, Senior Investment Specialist, M: +91-9205241939,

E: sarvesh@investindia.org.in; www.investindia.gov.in



We look forward to your participation.



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アジェンダはこちら Doing Business in India. Agenda.pdf






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