こちらは2024年3月31日までの過去ニュースがご覧いただける日本商工会議所の旧サイトです。 新サイトはこちら

2nd Buyer-Seller Meet on Chemical Products organized by CHEMEXCIL | January 16, 2023 : 10:00 - 17:00 hrs | VCC Auditorium, Embassy of India, Japan(インド大使館)




Greetings from Embassy of India, Japan!

We would like to inform you that The Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council (CHEMEXCIL) in association with Embassy of India, Japan is organizing the 2nd Buyer-Seller Meet on Chemical Products on January 16, 2023 (10:00 hrs - 17:00 hrs) at the VCC auditorium of the Embassy of India. The objective of the buyer-seller meet is to further promote business transactions between Indian chemical companies and Japanese companies and to enhance the brand image of Indian chemical products. 27 Indian companies dealing with dyestuffs, inorganic and organic chemicals, agrochemicals, food coloring, lubricants and pharmaceutical products will be visiting Tokyo for the event.


Interested companies / individuals may kindly see the link ( https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000001.000113159.html ) for participation and further details.

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在日インド大使館 Attache (Commerce)

Abhishek Bahuguna

Tel. 03-3262-2391/97   Ext.316

E-mail: attachecom.tokyo@mea.gov.in