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エジプト大使館より、Expo 2020 Dubai(2020年ドバイ国際博覧会)エジプト館にかかるお知らせがございました。








We have the pleasure to inform you that Egypt is participating in Expo Dubai 2020 during the period 1/10/2021 to 31/3/2022. The Egyptian Pavilion covers an area of 3,000 square meters, with a design that combines the authenticity of the past and the modernity of the future, embracing a special exhibition for archaeological replicas and Egypt’s ancient crafts. It is worth mentioning that the Egyptian Pavilion is suggestively located at Expo 2020’s “Opportunity District” that also houses th pavilions of the USA, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Under the slogan of “Legacy Empowering Future”, the pavilion highlights how Egypt’s people made a glorious history in the past and are currently performing miracles in the present at all levels - culture, economy, tourism, sportsas well as the role of women and the youth in society.

Furthermore, the Egyptian Pavilion will organize 116 events over the upcoming 6 months, varying between cultural salons, seminars, sessions, workshops as well as musical events, all highlighting Egypt’s contribution to enriching the Arab and international cultural scene.

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Mohamed A. IBRAHIM氏

Tel: +813 54223297

E-mail: tokyo@ecs.gov.eg