こちらは2024年3月31日までの過去ニュースがご覧いただける日本商工会議所の旧サイトです。 新サイトはこちら

Digital Conference and Exhibition on 'Leveraging Partnerships through New Age Technologies(インド工業連盟(CII)主催)




This event aims to provide a platform for multi-sectoral technology providers an opportunity to showcase their products / services that can seamlessly integrate software, equipment, and people to increase the speed, reliability, and flow of information between all systems. The conference would also deliberate on the technology trends in the post covid era wherein the business and technology strategies are expected to be inseparable. We expect senior level participation from industry, government and other stakeholders from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan apart from India, thereby resulting in some useful collaborations and outcomes.







在日インド大使館 経済商務部

梶谷 夏海氏

Tel: 03-3262-2397 ext.315

E-mail: mktexecutive.tokyo@mea.gov.in