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Chairman Mimura's Comments Regarding the Inauguration of New U.S. President Biden

Chairman Mimura’s Comments Regarding the Inauguration of New U.S. President Biden


21 January 2021


We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the newly inaugurated U.S. President Joe Biden, who received more than 80 million votes, the highest number ever. I have high hopes for his strong leadership as a new president who emphasizes multilateralism and the rule of law.


President Biden has stated that he will first confront COVID-19 in order to restore harmony, safety and security of life for the American people. He will also immediately work on policies to revitalize the American economy, and has publicly stated that the country will rejoin the Paris Agreement and the World Health Organization.I hope all countries will actively show willingness to cooperate in dealing with various problems that cannot be solved by one nation alone, such as overcoming COVID-19, combating climate change, and strengthening the energy policy system.


In addition, in order to confront the difficult issues of maintaining international order and the early recovery of the world economy, I hope that President Biden will share Japan’s values in emphasizing multilateralism and building a stronger Japan-U.S. cooperative relationship as he seeks to restructure U.S. leadership and alliances in the international community.