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Chairman Mimura's Comments regarding the Broad Agreement on the Japan-UK Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement

Chairman Mimura’s Comments regarding the Broad Agreement on the Japan-UK Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement

Sep 11, 2020


I sincerely welcome the broad agreement of the Japan-UK Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. Merely three months after the start of the negotiations, I would like to give the agreement a positive evaluation in that it is advanced and well-balanced, and has achieved the rules with a high level of liberalization, particularly in the digital field.


The UK is currently in a transition period under the EU-UK withdrawal agreement, but at the end of this year, the tariffs and other incentives stipulated in the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement will no longer apply between Japan and the UK. I hope that the ratification procedures will proceed promptly toward the effectuation of the Japan-UK Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement in January next year.


As the UK may participate in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), I also hope the Japanese government plays a leading role and presses ahead with wide-ranging trade negotiations, aiming to further expand the free trade system globally.